The shame of thrones

Inspired by recent happenings” during the LEN Water Polo European Championship we were inspired to write a few words that, I am sure, will shake a few people and the sport but we also believe that the waves need to be made to move to a calm water!

European Championship and Kobe Bryant


Man. Never was a Kobe fan until he dropped 60 in his last game. Then it hit me that this whole time I just didn’t get him, or his game. I was the issue in why I wasn’t a fan of his. There is nothing funny with the Mamba Mentality. Playing as hard as you can means living your life to the fullest and he proved us that during his playing years and even more so in his retirement. He wondered everybody, including me, with his calmness and content with the game of basketball, once he stopped actively playing it.

Vortex novi šampion

Okončano je još jedno Europsko prvenstvo u vaterpolu kao i peto – jubilarno ? izdanje fantasyja. Kako je završeno ono poznatije natjecanje sigurno znate a evo i pokušaja da se  prenese djelić atmosfere sa ovoga drugoga. Uzbudljivo do samoga kraja te neizvjesno kako u borbi za vrh tako i za izbjeći začelje. Istina, Vortex i Stručnjak za vino su bili ubjedljivi, no od trećega do šestoga mjesta razlika je bila samo u 6 bodova. Istih 6 bodova bilo je presudno za plasman i od sedmog do desetog mjesta. Pa krenimo redom:

Waterpolo fight, but outside the water.

I will try to keep this short and sweet. The other day certain LEN accreditations were suspended. They belonged to a media outlet named Total Waterpolo. The reason why they are not anymore welcomed  during this European Championship in Budapest was their article on the process of how LEN chooses the best European Player for the last year.

Jelača: Mala prednost za Hrvatsku i Crnu Goru


Upravo je završila zadnja utakmice Gruzije na ovom EP-u i iskoristili smo priliku da kratko popričamo s Markom Jelačom kojega je očekivao prijevoz za Zagreb. Završili su natjecanje na 10. mjestu uz veliku borbu za ulaskom u top 8. Najavio nam je kratko i polufinala koja nas uskoro očekuju, između Hrvatske i Španjolske, odnosno Mađarske i Crne Gore.

Gruzija je osvojila 10. mjesto iako su bili u prilici pobjediti Njemce obzirom da su vodili 7:3 do zadnja dva napada u trećoj četvrtini.



Četvftfinalni dan

Na rasporedu je 5. dan muškog dijela Europskog prvenstva, slijede utakmice najboljih 8. Prvo četvrtfinale je u 16 i onda svakih sat i po iduće.