Amo ovako. Nisan coronaolog, niti sam studirao coronaologiju, ali priče radi amo reć da će do kraja petog, ili sredine šestog miseca više manje cili svit počet opet normalno funkcionirati. Za razliku od mnogih drugih tradicionalnih sportova nekadašnjeg srednjeg staleža, NBA liga je odma najavila kako se sezona neotkazuje, nego se odgađa na neodređeno vrime. Oni planiraju završiti svoju sezonu, te saznati tko je prvak. Kakav će biti sustav natjecanja još se mora odlučiti, ali kako stvari stoje NBA će se igrati. I to će se igrati uglavnom kroz sedmi i osmi misec. Koliko sam primjetia ništa još nije službeno, ali zasad sve naginje ka tome.
In the days following the incident in Herceg Novi I didn’t had any other panic-attack, or any other symptoms, or whatever you want to call it. But I was feeling edgy all the time. That same week I went to see some psychiatrist. His offices were located in the basement of the main hospital. Yeah. I know. And I am not trying to be mean, because I understand we all have our issues, but still sitting in this basement of this main hospital, waiting on my turn and looking around at the patients that they had walking around.
It was a very important game in Herceg Novi. They were our direct rivals for the spot in the Final 4 tournament of the Adriatic League. Jug, Primorje and Mladost were going to get those first 3 spots. This was some 6-7 years ago when Primorje was Primorje. There were other teams in the mix for that fourth spot, but as the season progressed, it was clear that it was up to Mornar Split and Jadran Herceg Novi to decide who will take that last spot in the Final 4 bracket. They were our last, or second to last game in the first round of the season. We were playing them in Herceg Novi. I was the starting goalkeeper for Mornar.
So, some 3 weeks ago my wife and few other people from her company were for a few days on a business trip in Milan. Airport. Fair. Hotel. Fair. Airport. She comes back home, Netflix and chill, everything as usual. Few days past and we hear that this Corona virus situation has now affected the northern part of Italy, with areas around Milan included. The next day she came back from work feeling tired as f… and with a strong cough. Now I understand when you say that we are overreacting and that nothing is going to happen to us. I also understand that the chances of us getting this specific virus are slim to none, and that even if one does get this virus, he/she/it should still be okay and survive it, BUT what if its your own wife?
Pita me neki dan kolega s posla, kad će Jug zaigrat neku utakmicu doma, jer bi je rado pošao pogledat. Kad je čuo da još mjesec dana sigurno neće, nije mogao vjerovat jer zna da Jug igra Ligu prvaka. Nije baš da zna kako stoji u toj ligi, ali zna da ima nekih utakmica. Također, očekivao bi da ima nekakvu domaću ligu u ovo doba. Eto nema, nakon pauze od dva mjeseca zbog Europskog prvenstva, klupska vaterpolo natjecanja imaju novu pauzu od oko mjesec dana jer se reprezentacije moraju pripremat za kvalifikacije za Olimpijadu.
Internet is a weird place. I was laying on the couch with my wife. Netflix and chill. All of a sudden I get three messages on my messenger. Quote of the first message:”Being that you are involved with the water polo media, have you heard the biggest comedy in our sports history?”. In the second message he explained me in short paragraphs everything that has happened to him and his team as they were trying to qualify for the Olympic games. Third message:”Sorry if I am bothering you, but it is always easier when you share your suffering with someone, even if you don’t know that someone personally.”
Odigrano je i posljednje kolo prvog dijela prvenstva Mađarske. Doduše,trebalo je malo više vremena od planiranog, jer su u 13. i 14. kolu ukupno odgođene 3 utakmice. Kako su klubovi kojima su odgođene utakmice (OSC i Eger) smješteni u skupinu B, u skupini A sve su utakmice odigrane na vrijeme i sve je bilo jasno još prije par dana. 05.03. su odigrane i dvije odgođene utakmice 13. kola i ostaje još samo jedna odgođena utakmica, između „talijana“ zbog kojih sve i kasni. Nakon odigranih 14 kola, scenarij koji sam najavljivao u svom posljednjem tekstu o prvenstvu je ostvaren.
Spandau 04 – Olyimpiacos 7:11 (2:3) (1:3) (2:2) (2:3)
Suci: Margeta (SLO), Vogel (HUN)
Igrač više: Spandau 04 3/10, Olympiacos 2/6
Dva igrača više: Spandau 04 1/1, Olympiacos 1/1
Peterci: Spandau 04 1/1, Olympiacos 1/1
Spandau 04: Baksa, Saudadier, Gielen, Ćuk, Kholod 3 (1/1), Juengling, Strelezkij 3, Dedović 1, Stamm, Reibel, Restović, Pješivac, Thom. Trener: Kovačević.
Olympiacos: Zerdevas, Mylonakis, Skoumpakis, Genidounias 1, Joković 1, Buljubašić 1, Dervisis, Kakaris 2, Mourikis, Gounas 1, Argyropoulos 2, Mitrović 3 (1/1), Živojinović. Trener: Vlachos.